Founding Partner

João Bosco Lee is a founding partner of JBLEE Advogados, a law firm specializing in business law, private international law and arbitration. He has also been a Professor at Positivo University, Visiting Professor at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Paris 12, University of Nancy and Nova University (Lisbon).

Over the last twenty years, he has participated as counsel, co-arbitrator, chairman, sole arbitrator and emergency arbitrator in hundreds of national and transnational cases under the rules of the ICC, ICDR, UNCITRAL, BOGOTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CAM/CCBC, ARBITAC, AMCHAM, FGV, FIESP and CAMARB.

He was the first president of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr) and, from 2008 to 2010, was President of the Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration of the Paraná Commercial Association (ARBITAC). He is also Director of the Brazilian Arbitration Review (RBA).

He is currently a member of the Brazilian Arbitration Group of the ICC, the International Arbitration Commission of the ICC, the Latin American Arbitration Group of the ICC, the International Institute of Arbitration, the Comité Français de l'Arbitrage and the board of directors of the Arbitration Academy. He is also a former member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

He is fluent in Portuguese, French, English and Spanish.


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