Maria Irene Perruccio is a double qualified lawyer (in Milan, Italy and Paris, France), resident in Paris and Milan where she works as in-house counsel and is the Head of International Affairs for Europe and Americas of Webuild Group S.p.A. (former Salini Impregilo S.p.A.).
She previously worked as Deputy Counsel of the Swiss-Italian Team of the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Before that, she was working in the International Arbitration department of White&Case LLP, in Paris, where she specialized in international arbitration and litigation in the areas of energy (oil & gas) and construction.
Maria Irene regularly lectures at Paris I University and Turin University. She is co-founder and vice-president of YPCP (Young Practitioners of Construction in Paris), and co-founder and former co-chair of AIA-ArbIt-below40 (the Italian below-40 association for arbitration). She is also member of the In-House focus group of ICC YAF, member of the ASA User Council, and member of the BVI International Arbitration Committee.

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