Professor Philippe STOFFEL-MUNCK, a French and Swiss national, is a tenured law professor at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1), one of the two prominent Law Faculties in France. In parallel to his academic position, he has gained substantial experience of law in practice as a legal expert and, subsequently, as an arbitrator in complex cases pertaining to civil law systems.
In 2020, Professor Stoffel-Munck was appointed by the Ministry of Justice to chair the law commission in charge of preparing a reform of the Civil Code in respect of contracts of sale, lease, loan, deposit, agency, services and the law of aleatory agreements, The draft reform bill was published by the Ministry for public consultation on the 28th of July 2022. In 2018-2019, he was one of the seven members of the jury for the 'agrégation de droit privé et de sciences criminelles', the highest national competitive examination in France to be admitted as tenured Law Professor in the French Universities. He is a member of the Management Committee of the Sorbonne Law College.
Professor Stoffel-Munck is registered at the Paris Bar and now acts mainly as an independent arbitrator. He has a more fifteen-year experience in this field, covering international cases or domestic cases, mainly under the rules of arbitral institutions such as the ICC, LCIA, Swiss Arbitration Center, etc. He has been co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman in more than 50 cases over the last decade.
In addition, Professor Stoffel-Munck was the editorial director of the Revue des contrats, the leading Contract law journal in France, and is now a member of the Scientific Board of that journal as well as of the well-known law 'journals Semaine Juridique' (Lexis Nexis) and 'Cahiers du droit de l’entreprise' (Lexis Nexis).
The legal text books Professor Stoffel-Munck has written or co-authored are: Les obligations, (with Ph. Malaurie and L. Aynès, coll. Droit civil, 13th ed., LGDJ, 2024), Droit de la responsabilité et des contrats (directed by. Ph. le Tourneau, Dalloz Action, 2008), both being amongst the most used text books in this area, L’abus dans le contrat (LGDJ 2000). He also supervised the collective book studying the draft reform of French contract law, Réforme du droit des contrats et pratique des affaires (Dalloz, 2015), and the book explaining the draft reform of the law of specific contract that was prepared by the law commission he chaired (L’avant-projet de réforme du droit des contrats spéciaux, LGDJ, 2023).
After his law studies and his Ph. D thesis in the Law Faculty of Aix-en-Provence, Professor Philippe Stoffel-Munck passed the 'concours d’agrégation de droit' in 2001. He ranked first. He joined Panthéon-Sorbonne University as a tenured professor in 2005.

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