Raphaëlle Favre SCHNYDER
I resolve disputes! By assisting clients through result-oriented litigation and arbitration or by deciding them as efficient arbitrator.
I have been working in national and international litigation and arbitration, large scale disputes, alternative dispute resolution (e.g. mediation), sports law, maritime law, and contract law for over 20 years. I advise parties in commercial, sports, maritime, financial, commodities, constructions and other industry areas in disputes arising from license and joint venture agreements, agency contracts, sales and purchase agreements, transfer and employment matters, manufacturing as well as in the case of construction projects. I have taken part in over 50 arbitration proceedings as chair, co- or sole arbitrator and counsel, primarily in ICC, Swiss Rules, CAS and ad hoc arbitration proceedings as well as in domestic arbitration.
Actual reference cases
Appointment by the ICAS as arbitrator for the CAS Anti-doping Division for the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Appointment by the ICC as Emergency Arbitrator in a construction dispute.
Appointment as chair of an ICC tribunal in Geneva over a construction dispute involving foreign state-owned and private non-Swiss entities.
Appointment as co-arbitrator in SCAI proceedings in Zurich regarding a dispute over sports broadcasting rights.
Appointment as chair in national arbitration proceedings relating to a Swiss Stock Exchange dispute.
Appointment as Sole arbitrator in ICC proceedings in Geneva relating to joint-venture and agency contracts.
Appointment as co-arbitrator in ad-hoc proceedings relating to post-M&A disputes.
Appointment as sole arbitrator in ICC Proceedings in Zurich resulting from licensing contracts.
Appointment as sole arbitrator in ICC proceedings in Brussels relating to procurement contract for the European Space Agency.
Appointment as chair, sole-arbitrator and co-arbitrator in numerous commercial and contractual disputes under ICC and Swiss Rules.
Appointment as chair, sole arbitrator and co-arbitrator in numerous Sports related disputes under the CAS Code.
Appointment as co-arbitrator in Swiss Rules arbitration between European and Russian entities regarding products for automotive industry.
Counsel for a foreign company in ICC proceedings relating to Oil and Gaz prospection contracts.
Leading counsel in arbitration in Zurich on intellectual property right for consumer goods.
Several appointments as leading counsel for a publicly listed foreign company in ICC arbitration proceedings in Zurich regarding infrastructure
Leading Counsel for a Singapore Company in ICC arbitration proceedings in Zurich against a Swiss entity and foreign counsel in related proceedings before Singapore and Australian Courts.
Leading counsel in a succession dispute in Zurich with a value of CHF 15 Mio.
Leading Counsel in ICC proceedings in Geneva concerning aviation contracts.

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