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A Trust-Worthy Arbitration: The Client’s Perspective
In-house focused roundtable breakfast panel, expressing the client's expectations of a sustainable arbitration.
8h30-9h - Registration
9h-10h30 - Discussion
This year, Junction will host a roundtable on the theme “A Trust-Worthy Arbitration: The Client’s Perspective”.
This event aims to give insight into the unique experience and expectations of leading in-house lawyers, arbitration practitioners and third-party funders.
The panel will discuss why the Client no longer perceives arbitration as the most appropriate dispute settlement means and how to Make Arbitration Great Again (MAGA)!
We will dive into the Client’s story at every step of the process: from the moment of inserting an arbitration clause to the contract, to deciding to go to arbitration, living the arbitration experience and assessing at the end whether arbitration was worthwhile. This will be an occasion to revisit well-established standards such as the one-size fits all procedure compared to enhanced tailor made proceedings and ongoing engagement with the Tribunal throughout the proceedings (a progress or a set back?). We will also challenge the new trends (regionalisation of arbitration; diversity and inclusion, AI/AGI, etc.) and check whether they are truly part of the equation for the Client.
To Arbitrate or not to Arbitrate, and How to Arbitrate? That is the Question!
Guest Speakers
How to attend
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2 rue Harlay
75001 Paris
Online session
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Registration opens on the . Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.