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Thursday 21 March 2024
08:30 to 10:00
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Thursday 21 March 2024
08:30 to 10:00
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HYBRID BY REQUEST HYBRID BY REQUEST #Commercial arbitration #Public International Law #Europe


Gowling WLG invites you to a breakfast followed by a roundtable discussion as part of Paris Arbitration Week. The theme of this year's discussion is:

"Arbitrating ESG issues: Are you ready?"

The focus of the discussion will centre around the challenges posed by claims stemming from ESG obligations violations and Corporate Duty of Vigilance, which are now brought before judges and arbitrators.

The roundtable will be moderated by:
- Marie-Aude Ziadé (France),
- Tom Price (UK), and
- Mathias Wittinghofer (Germany), Partners specialising in International Arbitration.

Featured speakers include:
- Patrick Baeten, former GC Head of Disputes of ENGIE, now Secretary General and GC of BESIX
- Yaël Ginzburg, GC and Compliance Director of RENAULT TRUCKS

Topics to be discussed include:

Advantages of using arbitration to resolve ESG/duty of vigilance disputes in commercial matters: Benefits for companies and NGOs, accessibility, applicable standards by arbitrators, transparency of proceedings, and financing options.

New arguments raised by States and investors based on fundamental rights in investment arbitration: What are the foundations of these arguments and how do they relate to the obligations contained in investment treaties? How do arbitrators deal with these arguments and according to which standards?

Possibility and opportunity of using arbitration to resolve corporate disputes between companies, shareholders and/or and investors on ESG/duty of vigilance issues.

We anticipate a highly informative and engaging discussion and look forward to seeing you there!

How to attend

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GOWLING WLG, 38 avenue de l'Opéra
75002 Paris
Information :
Gowling WLG welcomes you on the third floor of the building for a breakfast at 8:00 am

Registration opens on the . Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.