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GOWLING WLG 38 avenue de l'Opéra
75002 Paris

Gowling WLG is a sector focused international law firms comprising around 1,500 legal professional and business support teams.
Our International Arbitration team includes lawyers based in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Canada, with international arbitration experts situated in many of the major arbitration centres. Our team has extensive experience of arbitrations across the globe including, in particular, Calgary, Dubai, Geneva, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Singapore and Toronto.

As a team, we have represented clients in a wide range of institutional arbitrations under the rules of all of the major international arbitration bodies including ICC, LCIA, ICSID, SIAC, CIETAC, HKIAC, ICDR, AAA and the SCC, as well as in ad hoc disputes including under the UNCITRAL rules.

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Thu. 21 March 08:30 - 10:00
Arbitrating ESG issues : are you ready?
#Commercial arbitration #Public International Law #Europe

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