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Thursday 30 March 2023
11:00 to 12:20
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Thursday 30 March 2023
11:00 to 12:20
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ONLINE OPEN ONLINE OPEN #Commercial arbitration #IP #Asia #Europe


This Webinar will be focused on resolving sports and related commercial disputes by means of arbitration.

Keynote Speech 1 : Sports Arbitration and the Olympic Games
Speaker: Mr Xianyue Bai, CIETAC arbitrator/ CAS arbitrator/ Managing partner at Grandall Law Firm (Tianjin)
Commentator: Professor Song Lu, CIETAC arbitrator/ Professor of China Foreign Affairs University

Keynote Speech 2 : Arbitration to Resolve Sport-related Commercial Disputes
Speaker: Ms Guo Cai, Partner at Jin Mao Law Firm
Commentator: Ms Raphaëlle Favre Schnyder, Partner at Barandun AG

Panel Discussion:
From a Comparative Perspective: The role of arbitration in facilitating the sport economy in China and Europe
Panel moderator:
Mr Jeffrey G. Benz, CIETAC arbitrator/ JAMS Neutral

For more information, please find the flyer via this link: arbitration week(1).jpg
Registration Link:

Host Speakers

Jintao OU
CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center
Chengjie WANG
Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CIETAC
CIETAC Hong Kong Arbitration Center

Guest Speakers

Xianyue BAI
Managing Partner of Grandall Law Firm(Tianjin)
Grandall Law Firm
Song LU
Professor at China Foreign Affairs University
China Foreign Affairs University
Partner of Jin Mao Law (Beijing) Firm
Jin Mao (Beijing) Law Firm
Raphaëlle Favre SCHNYDER
Partner of Barandun AG in Zurich
Barandun AG Law Firm
Jeffrey BENZ
JAMS Neutral

Online session

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Registration opens on the . Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.