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Bilingual Event / The interaction between the merits of the case and ratione temporis issues
This event will be divided in two panels:
- a first panel in FRENCH (10h30-11h30), with Professor Sophie Lemaire and Jérôme Ortscheidt (special counsel before the Supreme Court) to discuss the French courts' approach on ratione temporis issues in investment arbitration, in the context of annulment proceedings; and
- a second panel in ENGLISH (11h30-12h30), with two experts debating in the form of an "Oxford Debate" on the possibility to take into account past acts or facts in the quantification of damages.
Non-French speakers are of course free to attend only the second panel held in English.
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Host Speakers
Guest Speakers
2 rue Saint-Florentin
75001 PARIS
Registration opens on the . Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.