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The New Vision for Saudi Arbitration
The Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA) is delighted to organize a dedicated event during its first participation in the Paris Arbitration Week, hosted by AFFAKI. Join us for an open discussion with the SCCA’s Chief Executive Officer Dr. Hamed Merah, Chief of ADR/General Counsel Mr. Christian P. Alberti, and Prof. Georges Affaki, Partner at AFFAKI, who will address, in turn, the remarkable developments in Saudi laws and arbitration rules and practice and the planned changes as part of the Saudi Vision 2030. In a world première, the draft new arbitration rules will be discussed with an emphasis on the changing arbitral practice in the Kingdom. A Q&A session will follow.
The conference will be delivered in English. Questions will be taken in Arabic, English, French, German and Italian.
09:15 AM – 09:45 AM
09:45 AM – 09:55 AM
Welcoming Remarks: By Georges Affaki, Board Member, SCCA.
09:55 AM – 10:30 AM
Arbitration in Saudi Arabia: The New Vision: By Dr. Hamed Merah, CEO, SCCA
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
SCCA New Arbitration Rules 2023: By Mr. Christian P. Alberti, Chief of ADR & General Counsel, SCCA.
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
SCCA Caselaw Briefing: By Mr. Christian P. Alberti, Chief of ADR & General Counsel, SCCA.
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A (Questions will be taken in Arabic, English, French, German, and Italian)
11:30 AM
End of Conference
10 avenue Hoche
75008 Paris
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