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75116 PARIS

Our International Arbitration team is made up of multilingual and multi-cultural lawyers of different nationalities working across numerous jurisdictions. It relies on DS Avocats’ extensive skills pool to advise our clients on a wide-range of complex international arbitrations.
We also have teams who are highly experienced in litigation in every jurisdiction where we have an office. These teams can be mobilized to provide additional assistance with arbitration or local court procedures.

They also regularly work closely with the most renowned arbitration institutions, such as the following : ICC, LCIA, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), CIETAC, BAC/BIAC in Beijing, SHIAC in Shanghai, SCIA in Shenzhen, VIAC in Vietnam, AIAC in Kuala Lumpur ...

Several of our specialists are member of these institutions arbitrators panels.

Our international dispute resolution teams rely on the firm’s large pool of skills. DS’ expertise covers an extremely wide range of sectors, including, in particular :
-International commercial contracts: sale, supply, distribution, agency, franchise, licensing and technological cooperation
-Mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, private equity, venture capital
-Foreign direct investment (FDI) projects
-EPC contracts
-Infrastructure and energy
-Telecommunications, IT and Fintech
-Aeronautics, automotive, shipbuilding
-Healthcare, life sciences
-International Trade and Customs

Host Speakers

DS Avocats
Zineb Idrissia HAMZI
Arbitre et Médiateur, Avocate au Barreau de Casablanca, membre du Conseil Scientifique du CMA de la CCFA, managing partner DS-HLF à Casablanca
DS Avocats

Guest Speakers

Arbitre et Médiateur Avocat au Barreau de Paris, Partner DS-HLF à Casablanca, Président du Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage près la CCFA.
Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage près la CCFA
Jalal (Jil) EL AHDAB
Bird & Bird AARPI

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Wed. 29 March 2023
Exequatur of foreign awards in the Arabic world
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