Netherlands Arbitration Institute

Established as a foundation in 1949, the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (Stichting Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut; “NAI”) operates on a non-profit basis and performs its duties entirely independently and impartially. The NAI aims to promote a number of different types of alternative dispute resolution: arbitration, binding advice and mediation, in particular by providing trade and industry with soundly regulated arbitral, binding advice and mediation procedures. The NAI is the largest general arbitration institute in the Netherlands, a solid and innovative organisation with by far the most experience with and knowledge of different forms of ADR. The NAI is located in the centre of Rotterdam, the vivacious trading centre of the Netherlands with one of the largest ports of the world. The legal relation between the arbitrators and the parties, between the arbitrators and the NAI and between the NAI and the parties is governed by Dutch law.
As a general arbitration institute, the NAI offers one station for disputes that may arise from a broad variety of agreements, whether it is a licence agreement, a building contract, an IT contract, an employment contract or disputes that arise out of mergers or acquisitions. If necessary, hundreds specialised and experienced NAI arbitrators, binding advisors and mediators are at your disposal to decide and settle disputes on the basis of the well-known NAI Rules.
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