Raymundo TREVES


Raymundo is an associate at Three Crowns LLP, Paris office. He has experience in State-to-State, international commercial, and investment treaty disputes, acting in arbitrations under a range of rules, including the UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICSID, and ICC rules.
He is ranked as a “Future Leader” for arbitration by Who’s Who Legal.
Raymundo previously worked at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Prior to working at the PCA, he worked with counsel for Peru in the Maritime Dispute (Peru v. Chile) before the International Court of Justice.

He has lectured on international arbitration at the University of Milan, University of Bologna, the London School of Economics, and the University of Geneva, and is the author of several publications in international procedural law.

Raymundo completed his legal studies at the University of Milan, where he was awarded the “Laureato meritevole” prize by ALGIUSMI (Association of Law Graduates of the University of Milan) and the Premio Padovani for best thesis in private and procedural international law by the Italian Society of International law. He has an LL.M from New York University School of Law, where he received the Dean’s Graduate Award and Martin and Eva Domke scholarship. At the International Max Planck Research School on Successful Dispute Resolution in International Law (University of Heidelberg and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), he finalised his PhD thesis on “Equality of Arms in International Dispute Settlement”.

Raymundo is admitted to practice in Italy and New York and speaks English, Spanish, and Italian.

Raymundo TREVES

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