#PAW2025 Partners’ Kit
#PAW2025 / 7 – 11 April 2025
Benefits of partnership
Key location
Be part of the key industry Event hosted in Paris, the home of international arbitration.
Organize or co-organize up to two Events (New : Non-profit partners can organise only 1 event), social or academic, listed on the PAW Calendar.
- Regular promotion of Partners and Partner Events by PAW.
- Display of Partner logo on the PAW website and at PAW social Events.
- Use of PAW branding on your marketing materials.
PAW Paying Partners2 receive:
- 2 tickets for the PAW Opening Cocktail,
- 1 ticket for the PAW In-house Event (reserved for In-house counsel and PAW Paying Partners),
- 1 ticket for the PAW Sustainability Event (NEW),
- 2 tickets for the PAW Closing Cocktail (reserved for PAW Paying Partners).
2 Non-paying partners are non-profit organisations (universities, associations, etc.), whose non-paying partner status is approved by the PAW Organising Committee. Events organised by non-paying partners are published on the PAW Calendar.
General Assembly
Participate in the PAW General Assembly with voting rights.

Becoming a partner
There are two modalities to become a partner :
If you were a Partner in the 2023 or 2024 edition, connect to your Partner account and renew your partnership online by 15 February 2025.

If you are a new partner in 2025 edition, fill out and submit the partnership form online by 15 February 2025.

Pay the partnership fee of 4.000€ via bank transfer or credit card (with applicable transaction fee at partner’s charge).
Participants to PAW Events
PAW Paying Partners can enter the details of their representatives that will attend the Opening Cocktail (2), the In- House Event (1) and the Closing Cocktail (2), the Sustainability Event (NEW) (1).
Creation of events by Partners
Registering Events
By 7 March 2025, add up to two Events3(social or academic) to the PAW calendar:

Organizing Events
(NEW) For the 2025 edition, PAW is introducing:
- Fixed Start Times (8:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, or 20:00+) to allow participants to attend more Events.4
- Monitoring of number of Events per timeslot to improve attendance of PAW Partners’ Events. PAW will alert Partners in case they try to register an Event during a timeslot that already has more than 10 simultaneous Events.
- Registration is on a first come first serve basis, we therefore invite Partners to organize their Events as soon as possible.
- Participants will be able to register for Events on the PAW calendar as from 7 January 2025.
3. Only paying partners can organize up to two Events.
4. Partners are encouraged to organize two-hour Events.
Confirming Events
By 24 March 2025, Partners will have to confirm or decline all requests of registration to their respective Events to allow participants to plan their week.
Promotion of Events by PAW
Email PAW
By 31 March 2025, send an email to PAW (contact@parisarbitrationweek.com) when your Event(s) is/are ready to be promoted.
Event promotion
PAW will promote your Event upon receipt of email confirmation that your Event is ready:
- To ensure the best promotion of your Event(s), PAW strongly encourages you to finalize your Event(s) as early as possible.
- After this date, PAW can no longer undertake to promote your Events effectively.
These are the three templates we use to promote partners on social networks :