Barton LEGUM


Bart Legum is a founding partner of Honlet Legum Arbitration. He concentrates on international arbitration, both commercial and investor-State. He has over 30 years of experience as arbitrator, counsel and expert witness. Civil law, common law and public international law have governed in cases he addressed. His case experience spans a wide variety of different sectors. These include energy, mining, construction, pharmaceuticals, banking, manufacturing, telecommunications and others. He is frequently appointed in cases involving States or state enterprises as well as business-business disputes. He has acted as conciliator as well as arbitrator.

Bart is a member of the Board of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. He is a Past Chair of the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law, a professional organization with over 20,000 members in 90 countries. The President of the World Bank designated him as a member of the ICSID Panel of Conciliators.

In addition to decades of private practice at prominent international law firms, Bart’s career has included years of government service. He has served both as a law clerk to a US federal court of appeals judge and in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the US State Department. In that latter role, he acted as lead counsel for the US Government in defending the first arbitrations against it under the investment chapter of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The US won every case heard under his tenure.

Bart also serves as editor of two publications: International Litigation Strategies and Practice, an ABA publication now going into its third edition; and The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review, a Law and Business publication going into its seventh edition.

Barton LEGUM

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