PAW 2023
PAW 2023 was the 7th edition of the PAW and by far the biggest, most impressive and most attended one since its inception, establishing the PAW as the most important arbitration event worldwide.
The 2023 edition enjoyed the support of 95 paying and 57 non-paying partners from around the world and featured no less than 143 events in five days! The events showcased a wealth of fascinating topics on international arbitration and world class speakers, and attracted a significant number of participants from around the globe, reaching 26,000 registrations during the week!
In line with its commitments, PAW 2023 kicked off with a keynote speech delivered by Dr. Yas Banifatemi on the issue of diversity in international arbitration and the Opening cocktail gathered over 1,000 participants (achieving an impressive record of 450 champagne bottles).
2023 also marked the launch of PAW’s new cutting-edge website, which transformed the experience for partners and participants alike and contributed significantly to the fantastic success of this edition.
As co-Presidents of PAW 2023, we could not be prouder of what the PAW Board achieved in 2023!
Marily Paralika & Raphaël Kaminsky

From left to right : Dimana Diawara (Vice-president) ; Elsa PAPAREMBORDE (Vice-president) ; Claire PAULY (Vice-president) ; Marily PARALIKA (Co-President) ; Raphaël KAMINSKY (Co-President) ; Ioana KNOLL-TUDOR (Secretary General) ; Sabrina AÏNOUZ (Vice-President) ; Vanessa THIEFFRY (Treasurer) ; Benjamin SIINO (Vice-President)
2023 Calendar
- Monday 27
- Tuesday 28
- Wednesday 29
- Thursday 30
- Friday 31
Explore the PAW Calendar and plan your #PAW!